(Naole Media) – With the aim of raising awareness of environmental issues, Burkina Faso’s Ministry of the Environment recently launched an online media outlet. Called Envirinfos, the medium was launched on 12 May.

In Burkina Faso, the Ministry of the Environment has enthusiastically announced the launch of Envirinfos, a medium devoted exclusively to environmental issues. The news was made public at the platform’s official launch ceremony, attended by the Minister for the Environment, Augustin Kaboré.

This digital initiative follows on from the quarterly paper edition of the same name, launched in 2010 by the Burkina Faso Ministry of the Environment. « In order to respond to current realities, marked by a growing number of online readers, Envirinfos has set up a digital platform to disseminate information on the environment and sustainable development, as a complement to the quarterly print version », said Lazare Doulcom, the publication’s director.

Augustin Kaboré, Minister for the Environment, also added: « This platform will be a veritable mine of statistical data on the environment sector in Burkina Faso. »

By launching Envirinfos, Burkina Faso’s environment ministry is seeking to bridge the gap between citizens and the country’s environmental issues. Thanks to this initiative, it is hoped that the public will be better informed and aware of the crucial issues relating to the environment and sustainable development.

Having access to environmental information is essential for raising awareness and encouraging public participation. By making this information easily accessible and presenting it attractively, Envirinfos hopes to spark a genuine ecological awakening in Burkina Faso. The new digital platform offers a new opportunity for the Ministry of the Environment to publicise its actions and promote initiatives for a sustainable future.