Yes, the PESO is the monetary unit of several Latin American countries. But in today’s article, we will talk about the PESO model in your public relations strategy.

The PESO was created in 2014 by Gini Dietrich, CEO of the communications agency Spinsuck. The PESO is inspired by the POEM model, created in 2009 by the American research institute Forrester. As announced in the title, the acronym PESO stands for : Paid media, Earned media, Shared media, Owned media. In this article, we will detail each field. 

1- Paid Media, activate advertising

Paid media is the set of paid methods that you will use to promote your products, services or boost your visibility on the web. It also includes advertising space purchased on television, radio, print or digital media. 

It takes different forms: advertising campaigns, post sponsoring, partnerships, display, referencing. 

Paid media is a strategy favoured by marketing specialists. The latter integrate it into their marketing strategy and choose the target audience, the choice of content, the form, the duration of distribution and the geographical area. 

To build it properly, you need to define your objectives, select the appropriate platforms and media, build your target audience, create your message, broadcast it according to your budget.

It is important to know that this strategy can be very costly.

2- Earned media, maintain trust

Earned media is the set of exposures, which you benefit from through media relations and social networks. 

Its different forms are: press releases, press kits, relations with influencers, forums, expert opinions, mentions on social networks, recommendations, consumer opinions, conferences, external events.

This strategy is “free” and is implemented by a public relations specialist. It is important to specify that the “free” earned media is the result of an investment phase.  Indeed, you will initially bet on paid media and owned media.

To increase your notoriety, to gain the trust of your stakeholders, to improve your image, earned media is the strategy best suited to these objectives. 

The disadvantage of this method is its long-term construction and the difficulty to measure the return on investment.

3- Owned media, focus on content

Owned media is all the content that you create and distribute on your own media to create your audience and develop your community.

Its different forms are: the website, company blog, brochures and catalogues, e-mailing and newsletters, social networks. 

You need to define a clear content and distribution strategy and work on your storytelling. The advantage of owned media is the total control of the content for your stakeholders.

4- Shared media, benefit from sharing

The shared media all the shares obtained on social networks. Internet users spontaneously share your content on their accounts and also create an organic reach. 

The PESO model encompasses very different methods of communication. Nevertheless, they all remain closely linked and merged together, they will meet the expectations of your stakeholders and your objectives.

So reading this article, will you adopt the PESO model to boost your visibility? It’s time for you to “Create, Etablish and Maintain Relations” with the right expert.

                                                                                      Par Elodie MBIDA