
Here you will find tips and recommendations for developing your communication strategy. My objective is to accompany you in creating and maintaining your image, reputation and notoriety.

Recent Articles:

Health crisis: government communication under the test of the coronavirus (Covid-19): case of Cameroon

In the era of doubt and fragmented information, our goal in this article is to provide angles of improvement on the continuity of crisis management and communication of the Cameroonian authorities through different issues.

Personal branding: build and promote your brand image.

The companies understood the importance of developing and promoting their brand: branding. As much as they are, each individual must today…

Five (05) amazing reasons to include e-mailing and newsletter in your strategy.

Here we give you 5 amazing reasons to include e-mailing and newsletters in your strategy. E-mailing and Newsletter: definitions E-mailing…

Community Manager / Social Media Manager: Which expert in your e-reputation strategy?

The digital revolution has led to the birth of several professions such as community manager and social media manager. Through…

Public Relations, Press Relations: Who does what? To whom? For what purpose?

Public relations is often confused with press relations. Even if these two professions are commonly abbreviated to PR (or PR…