Communication and Digital Economy Minister Amadou Coulibaly has officially launched the long-awaited « En Ligne Tous Responsables » awareness campaign. At a press conference held in Abidjan-Cocody, the initiative aims to raise public awareness of responsible use of social networks in the digital age. Faced with the new challenges of security, ethics and privacy posed by online platforms, this ambitious campaign will implement a five-pronged strategy aimed at educating, engaging, providing tools, rewarding good practice and continuously evaluating.

At the core of this initiative, Minister Amadou Coulibaly unveiled the first phase focusing on awareness and education. Interactive workshops, informative webinars and educational material will be offered to the public over the coming weeks. The benefits and risks inherent in social networks will be highlighted, and particular attention will be paid to popularising the laws regulating online activities, with the aim of countering the xenophobic, hateful and offensive discourse that persistently circulates on these platforms.

The second part of the strategy will encourage community involvement. Partnerships with associations, influencers and other stakeholders will be established to broaden the scope of the campaign and create a collective movement in favour of responsible use of social networks. The aim is to protect privacy and promote positive use of these platforms.

The third pillar of the campaign will be online tools and resources. Resources will be made available to help users better manage their online presence, ensuring a safer and more fulfilling experience on social networks.

The fourth and equally crucial phase will reward good online practices, encouraging responsible and respectful behaviour on social networks.

Finally, the last stage of the strategy will focus on ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement. This considered approach is designed to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the « Online Responsibility » campaign.

Amadou Coulibaly expressed his vision when he said: « More than just a plan, our strategy is a call deeply rooted in the hearts and minds of every Ivorian citizen, urging them to join this responsible, innovative and unifying approach. We are convinced that this five-step approach will transform the perception of social networks as a beneficial tool. I warmly invite all members of society to join this initiative and rally around the slogan #EnLigneTousResponsables. »

For Amadou Coulibaly, this campaign is of paramount importance, as it aims to forge a secure and healthy digital future for Côte d’Ivoire. « By joining forces, we can make digital confidence a reality in our country, by preserving the confidentiality of data, respecting the integrity of information and adhering to the regulations in force, » he concluded optimistically.

Mr. Bocconi also pointed out that although social networks have revolutionised communication, persistent abuses such as cyberbullying, cyber harassment and the dissemination of harmful content have generated social unrest and international tensions. « All Responsible Online » is a proactive response and a step towards a more responsible and caring digital environment for all.

Cyrille Djami.